Sunday, 26 January 2020

Lesson Plan: Rainbow Magic Land

Lesson Topic: Rainbow Magic Land
Веселкова магічна земля  

For a full Plan click the link                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Time: 08.3009.05
№ of Ss:12
Objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils will:
Ø  use previous lexis – days of the week, colours, numbers from 1 to 7;
Ø  take attitude towards their own and others’ responsibilities;
Ø  get the feeling of confidence by knowing the ABC;
Ø  be able to name letter Z z;
Ø  be able pronounce sound [z];
Ø  be able to write letter z.

Materials / Resources / Supplies / Flashcards / etc.

«Teacher’s helper» medals (Time Keeper, Supply Manager, Voice Controller, I am an Expert), ‘Voice Level Poster’, Alphabet Poster, Alphabet Matching cards + clothes pins, handouts for colouring ‘Artist and the rainbow colours’, magnetic fish, magnetic fishing rods and a paper Shark 

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Sunflowers always face the Sun

        To continue yesterday's topic, I'd like to present the next wall painting. It's in our school hall and gives the message: "Be always on the way of seeking beauty like the sunflower always turns to the Sun"!

Monday, 13 January 2020

Murals just for pleasure

                 There are many ways of spending free time and each person finds it's own path to get comfort. What I  love doing is painting. It's not by chance I posted it in the area of just for the soul. Beauty is the way we both express our feelings and get peace, relief, and comfort for our souls. I often follow the idea: "do what you love and love what you do". And when it's possible to put two ingredients - work and pleasure- together, you feel happy and live the quotation previously said.

Friday, 3 January 2020

Орієнтовне календарно - тематичне планування у 2 -у класі, 2 семестр

Календарно - тематичне планування в 2-у класі на ІI семестр 2019 /2020 н. р
(3 годинидо підручника О. Карпюк "English with Smiling Sam 2"  Тернопіль «Астон» 2019 р. (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 28.03.2019 № 407)
на основі типової освітньої програми для 1-4 класів закладів загальної середньої освіти, розробленої під керівництвом О.Я.Савченко

      Календарно - тематичне планування у 2-у класі, 2 семестр