Tuesday 22 October 2019

Speaking Comprehension Test. Keep calm and get ready for Olympiads!

Spin the wheel! Choose a number then the form you are in. Breathe deeply 🤔and ... 💤 oh! No! 🤐 no! 💭🧚‍♀️🎤🔊🇬🇧 speak!

Form - 8th

 Speaking Comprehension Test.

In this Test, you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.

1.      The real meaning of friendship. Do you have a faithful friend?

2.      Everyone in my family is a unique person. Can you introduce your family?

3.      Sport makes us strong, healthy, happy and good friends. How important is sport to you?

4.      We look forward to weekends to enjoy ourselves and rest a little. What do you prefer doing on your days off?

5.      People move really fast in daily life.  How does your typical day look like?

6.      My house/flat is a good place to live in. Is your dwelling comfortable for your family?

7.      Pets are important members of the family. Do you agree? Why or why not?

8.      Travelling does people a lot of good. What trip has become unforgettable in your life? Why?

9.      You want to make a new e-pal. Tell about yourself, your interests and hobbies.

10.   A foreign language is a window into the world. Is English worth learning?

11. The holidays are good fun. Do you prefer summer or winter holidays? Why?

12.  You have to make a report about your favorite writer.

13.  At school, pupils spend the most important years of their lives. What are the most exciting things in your school?

14.  My home town is the dearest place for me. How would you represent it?

15.  Nature is wonderful in all seasons. What is your favourite season? What weather do you enjoy?

16.  Ukraine is our Motherland. What would you tell your foreign friend about your native land?

17.  Festivals are part of our lives. What are your favourite holidays and traditions?

18.  Our health depends on our way of life. What must you do to stay healthy?

19.  Kyiv wasn’t built in a day and it can’t be seen in a day. What do you know about the capital of Ukraine?

20.  There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can find new places. What places would you like to visit?

Form - 9th

In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.
1.      Ukraine is a very beautiful country, isn’t it?
·         What do you like about your country?
·         What are some of your favorite national traditions and customs?
·         Do you believe that our country will become a wealthy and prosperous country like any other European country?

2.      What's your favorite subject in school?
·         What are your favorite activities in this subject's lessons?
·          Would you like to teach this subject?

·          What is your teacher like?
3.      Today many countries in the world place a lot of importance on learning English in schools.
·         What do you think are the reasons for this attention?
·         Does English help you in your life?
·         How will you use English after finishing school?

4.      A healthy way of life: what does it mean?
·         Do people worry much about their health these days?
·         What do you think are the main health risks people efface today?
·         What advice can you give teenagers about healthy living?

5.      Imagine that you have become a finalist of Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) and are going to spend a year in the USA
·         What would you tell your host family about yourself?
·         How would you describe your family to them?
·         What are your favourite activities in your free time?

6.      What are the most important qualities a friend can have?
·         Why are these qualities so important?
·         Do your closest friends have these qualities? Do you?
·         What does friendship mean in your life?

7.      Pollution has become the greatest problem in the world.
·         Describe any problems with pollution
·         Talk about the effects of pollution on the people, the crops and the animals
·          Tell what you think should and could be done to make the situation better.

8.      You are planning a trip to another country.
·         Why have you chosen this country?
·         How will you get there? Where will you be living abroad?
·         The sights you are going to see there.

9.      The person you know is planning to visit your town or city
·         During what season would you recommend him or her to visit and why?
·         What areas of interest would you show her or him first?
·         What do you think this person would like to do in your town or city? Why?

10.  Music influences people in different ways.
·         Why does music play an important part in people’s lives?
·         What type of music influences you the most? How?
·         Which musician has had the greatest impact on you? Why?

11.  Say which way you would prefer to travel and explain why. Include the following information:
·         What are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport?
·         What is your favourite way of traveling?
·         Have you ever traveled by plane/by train/by ship? When? Where? Why?

12.  Your English friends are going to visit our capital city and ask you to tell them about it. Include the following information:
·         history,
·         interesting places,
·         places to eat and means of transport to travel by.

13.  Many inventions have completely changed the world. Do you think so?
·         What invention in your opinion has been the most important for the human race?
·         Which 21st-century invention has changed our life completely?
·         Do you imagine your life without a сomputer?

14.  There are many traditional holidays in our country.
·         What is the most important holiday for the Ukrainians? Why?
·         Do you have any family traditions?
·         Do you celebrate any holidays at school?

15.  Sports no doubts play an important role in people’s lives. Speak about sports in your life.
·         Importance of doing sports for people.
·         What do sports teach you?
·         Your favourite sport.

16.  You are in the 9th form. It’s time to think about your future profession. Do you know what you want?
·         Tell about a variety of professions.
·         Why is it difficult for a young person to make the right choice of a future profession? What should teenagers pay attention to while choosing a future career?
·         What is the most important in your future profession? Give your reasons.

17.  Speak about the film you have seen recently. Give your comments on:
·         The story
·         The title / main actors / the director
·         The music, costumes or special effects.

18.  What activities do you find enjoyable when you are alone?
·         Why is this activity so enjoyable for you?
·         Do you feel it is important to have time to spend by yourself? Why?
·         What activity would you recommend your friend to take up in his free time?

19.  Some people say that reading books has become a thing of the past because one can find anything he needs on the Internet.
·         Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
·         Why do people read books?
·         In your opinion, what is the most interesting genre of books?

20.  What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
·         When and where would you go?
·         For how long would you be away?
·         What would you like to do and to see during your vacation?
Form - 10th
In this Test, you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.
1.         You have just been appointed the head of public relations for all of Ukraine. It is your job to encourage tourism in this country.
-What aspects of places in Ukraine do you consider to be the most important for foreign tourists?
-What are some problems that tourists might face in Ukraine? How would you change these problems?
-Think of a motto for Ukraine's tourist industry.

2. A teenager's life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.
- What real problems do teenagers face today?
- What can you say about generation gaps between you and your par¬ents?
-  Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect for older generations? Why?

3. People usually play the music that reflects their mood.
- What genre of music do you usually listen to?
- What type of music do you listen to in different emotional states?
- Do you think music allows you to deal with your emotions? Explain.

4. Art has long been described as the truest form of self-expression and depicting the complicated world around us.
- What form of art means the most to you and why?
- What specific work of art especially reflects something about you and how you think and feel?
- Describe how it represents you and your thoughts.

5. Learning a language is a long and sometimes frustrating process. Although for some people it is actually quite simple and they learn it quickly. Are you one of these people?
- How much work do you put into learning a language?
- Why do you think some people learn English and others don’t?
- What advice can you give to someone who is having trouble learning a language?

6. Films, TV and other forms of media have spread all across the world. Do you agree with the saying “He, who controls the media, controls the minds”?
- Do you like to watch movies and other forms of media?
- What are some ways that the media can influence people?
- Is it possible for the media to deceive people?

7. Human beings are social creatures. Making friends and interacting with others is important for our mental health and happiness.
- How do you choose your friends? What characteristics and qualities do you look for in a friend?
- Can you be friends with everyone? Why or why not?
- There are people who prefer and are happy to be alone. Is it truly necessary to have friends to be happy?

8. If you could have any job what would it be and why?
- How do your personality and personal interests affect your choice?
- How important is making a lot of money to you when deciding your dream job? Do you want to work abroad or stay in your home country?
- How important are your family and their opinions when deciding your dream job?

9. People say that “classics” are books that people can relate to throughout the ages. Tell about a book you have read that you feel is a classic.
- Briefly explain the book’s main elements (plot, genre, etc.).
- In what ways were you influenced or affected by the book?
- Why and how do you think the book would appeal to a broader audience?

10. It is often said that “The world is getting smaller” Countries and people from all over the world are staying connected through technology.
- Do you agree with the statement? If so, why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a more connected world?
- Is technology always a good thing?

11. Thanks to your excellent marks in English class, you have been awarded a trip to any English-speaking country in the world. Which country will you choose? Why?
- Describe the places in this country that you visit.
- What lessons do you anticipate learning on the trip?
- What will you miss most about your native town?

12. Environmental issues are increasingly becoming bigger problems today. Mankind is polluting the environment in ways that may harm our future and cause irreversible consequences.
- Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
- What kinds of issues are causing environmental problems in Ukraine? Europe? The world?
- What are some ways you would solve these problems?

13. Some people say that extreme sports help to build the character, while others believe that extreme sports are a foolish thing to do as the athletes are at an increased risk of serious injuries.
- Would you want to try any extreme sports?
- Do you like to watch them as a spectator?
- Do you think they really are sports or are the people who do them just crazy?

14. Leadership is a trait that is extremely valuable in any society. What makes a person a good leader?
- What personal characteristics should a good leader have?
- What kinds of ideas should a good leader have?
- How does a good leader communicate and work with other people?

15. Many people disagree about the secret of having a healthy body. Different food diets, exercise routines, and vitamins are just some of the things that are recommended.
- What do you think are the keys to a healthy lifestyle and a long life? Why?
- How could you present your advice to get people to follow it?
- Do you agree with the saying” You are what you eat.”?

16. Hobbies are activities that help us escape the daily grind of life and work and give us pleasure and peace of mind. What activities do you find enjoyable when you are alone?
- Why is this activity so enjoyable for you? Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
- Do you feel it is important to have time to spend by yourself? Why?
- What activity would you recommend your friend to take up in his free time?

17.  Imagine that you have become a finalist of Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) and are going to spend a year in the USA
- What would you tell your host family about yourself?
- How would you describe your family to them?
- What are your favourite activities in your free time?

18. Your English friends are going to visit our capital city and ask you to tell them about it. Include the following information:
- history or some interesting facts about the city
- interesting places,
- places to eat and means of transport to travel by.

19. Ukraine is a nation made up of different traditions and cultural styles.
- Describe these differences briefly to a person who knows little of Ukraine’s diversity.
- What traditions are you most proud of?
- Please describe them and explain why they are important to you.

20. There’s no question that some people play a significant role in your life. True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people.
- Who has been an influential person or role model in your life?
- What do you admire the most about this person? Why?
- What specific things have you learned from this person?

 Speaking. Form - 11th

1.      Cigarettes and smoking should be banned. 
.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 
.How will forbidding smoking help or hurt your country? 
.  With whom would this be a popular/unpopular choice?

2.      Our world changes quickly and new trends occur frequently.  This is especially true for professions.
.  Which job areas have become the most important in the last twenty years?
. What will be the most important jobs in the next twenty years?
.  Does this affect your decision-making process for your future studies?

3.      Often we can identify a culture through its traditional and popular music.
.  Is one country's music better than another's?
 Is there good and bad music? Explain your answer.
How does your country’s music reflect its culture?

4.      Do you believe that the majority of youth in Ukraine prefers watching TV and surfing the Net more than reading?
.  What benefits, if any, does reading provide that watching TV and surfing the Net do not?
.  Should reading be encouraged more among the youth?  By whom?  How?
.  What are the positive and negative aspects of acquiring information from TV, the Internet and books?

5.      Do humans have a responsibility to care for the environment and other living creatures?
.  What are the consequences, bad and good, of your belief?
.  What kinds of problems have humans already caused by disregarding the environment?
.  How can people take care of the environment and animals?

6.      Everyone has problems in their life that they need or want to solve.
.  What are some different ways to solve problems?  Which do you prefer?
.  Is it always important to get advice from friends and family? Why?
.  How and where can you learn new ways or strategies to solve problems?

7.      It is the year 2026.  Where do you see yourself both professionally and emotionally?
.  What would you like to have seen accomplished? Why?
.  Describe the steps you will take to reach your goals.
.  Where would you like to be living? Why?

8.      If you could either live in Kyiv or a small town in the Carpathians for the rest of your life where would you choose and why?
.  How would your choice affect your future career?
.  Compare your choice with where you live now.  Will your life be different or the same?
.  Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of your choice.

9.      Do you think the private lives of celebrities should be open to the public? 
.  Why is the public interested in the lives of the famous? 
.  How would you feel if the press investigated your private life? 
.  Would you like to know more about the life of a particular celebrity?  Why?

10.  Do you think a universal language would be useful for modern life? 
.  Which language would you suggest as the common language? 
.  What are the disadvantages of having a universal language? 
.  How do you think knowing more than one language can affect your life?

11.  Extreme Sports such as skydiving, mountain climbing, and bungee jumping are very popular, but also very dangerous. What is so appealing about these sports that people will risk their lives to do them?
. Is there an extreme sport you want to try and/or one you don’t?  Which one(s) and why?
.  How would your family react to you doing an extreme sport?
.  If you were going to try an extreme sport, what precautions would you take?

12.  You have been chosen to speak at a conference for teachers about what a student wants in a teacher.
.  What would you say to the teachers? What, in your opinion, makes a good teacher?
.  Is it important for a teacher to know a student’s opinion? Why?
.  Tell about one teacher who has been influential for you.  How?

13.  Learning a language is a long and sometimes frustrating process. Although for some people it is actually quite simple and they learn it quickly. Are you one of these people?
.  How much work do you put into learning a language?
.  Why do you think some people learn English and others don’t?
.  What advice can you give to someone who is having trouble learning a language?

14.  Women’s role in society has come a long way over the last few hundred years in many different countries.
·         In what ways has women’s status improved in recent years?
·         What inequalities still exist?
·         What are the perceptions of women compared to men in your country?

15.  A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.
·         What real problems do teenagers face today?
·         What can you say about generational gaps between you and your parents?
·         Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect for older generations? Why?

16.  Everyone has his or her own set of priorities or a list of things that he or she considers more important than other things.
·         What is most important to you in your life?
·         What made you decide upon your list of priorities?
·         Do you think priorities change over time?  Why?

17.  Many people are afraid of heights, flying, the dark, wild animals, ghosts, etc.  In what ways are people affected by fear?  When does fear become a serious problem?
·         Where do you think these fears come from?  What can help people with their fears?
·         Tell about a time when you were really scared of something and how you dealt with it.
·         What advice would you give someone who was incredibly afraid of something?

18.  Sports are played and televised all over the world.  People pay huge sums of money to attend events or see their favorite teams or games.  Sports obviously, have a universal appeal.
·         Talk about one sport describing: how it is played, what are its most important rules, and what equipment is necessary for playing it.
·         What attracts people to this sport?  What are its most exciting moments?
·         Most importantly, what lessons in life can be learned from this sport?

19.  Leadership is a trait that is extremely valuable in any society. What makes a person a good leader?
·         What personal characteristics should a good leader have?
·         What kinds of ideas should a good leader have?
·         How does a good leader communicate and work with other people?
20.  Social networking websites like Vkontakte and Facebook are incredibly popular, but some are concerned that young people are being too free with their personal information.
·         What information about yourself are you comfortable with sharing on the Internet?
·         Do you think people are being careless about their private lives?
·         What are the possible consequences, good or bad, of so much online sharing?

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