Sunday, 19 December 2021

Saint Nicholas Day


All who love Saint Nicholas,
All who serve Saint Nicholas,
For these Saint Nicholas
Comes to help in their needs
Saint Nicholas!

All those, all who come to Him
All those on the land and sea
He protects them from disasters,
He keeps from the sin apart.
Saint Nicholas!

All those, all who come to Him
Asking for help in their needs
He'll protect from evil
He'll save souls and bodies
Saint Nicholas!

His image is our salvation
And the one's protection from evil
Don't allow to  perish,
Fall into the enemies' hands.
Saint Nicholas!

Friday, 17 December 2021

Form 3 ~ Semester 1 ~ Writing Test


Final Test ~ Semester 1

 Form – 3        Full Name: __________________________________________

Points _____ from 64 possible + 1 extra point for neat writing   

Mark: A                B            C  _         D__


 I.               Put the words into the correct column (1 point for each correct answer)

January, actor, now, spring, March, winter, eighteen, one hundred, pilot, autumn, Tuesday, December, summer, always, June, Monday, never, sometimes, teacher, doctor, Thursday, seventy, thirty, Sunday.


II.            Fill in the gaps with the proper words. Write about Julia. Use the words: cold, am, eight, go skiing, January, like, winter, maths.

 (2 points for each correct answer)

I _______ Julia. I am ____________ years old. My birthday is in___________________. In winter it is ___________. I like ___________ when we can   ______________. My favourite subject is _______________. Do you ___________ it?



III.           Answer the questions (3 points for each proper answer)

1.    When is your birthday?


2.    What is your favourite subject? 


IV.  Write the numbers (1 point for each proper answer)

Eighteen -                                                                                                        thirteen -

Eighty -                                                                                                            one hundred -

Fifteen -                                                                                                           forty – two -

Sixty-seven -                                                                                                  fifty – three -

Two -                                                                                                               seventy – five –

 V.  Fill in the gaps (2 points for each proper answer)

1)    It is seven o’clock. I ______ having my breakfast.

2)    It is twelve o’clock. Lin ___________ having her lunch.

3)    It is three o’clock in the afternoon. We ________ going home.

4)    It is ten o’clock at night. You ______ sleeping in your bed. Goodnight!



Thursday, 16 December 2021


 Follow the link to know and use a pretty simple but empowering kind of dictation to teach new language material by emphasizing the learners' individuality. Dictogloss

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Count to 20!

 Follow the link to sing along and learn the numbers from 1 to 20. Sing along!
One more video with spelling Learn to spell the numbers!

1- one      *******      11- eleven

2- two      ********     12- twelve

3- three    ******      13- thirteen

4- four      *******      14- fourteen

5- five       *******       15- fifteen

6- six         *******       16- sixteen

7- seven    *******        17- seventeen

8- eight      *******        18- eighteen

9- nine       *******        19- nineteen

10- ten       ********       20- twenty

Monday, 13 December 2021

Form - 2 ~ Semester 1~ Writing Test (NUS)


                                                                                            Writing Test

                                                                           Form – 2 ~ Semester 1 (NUS)


                                                                           Points: _______________  

1). Write the words in the correct order.    

1.           1.are / you? / How   _____________________________________________________________

2.           2. tired? /Are / you  ______________________________________________________________

3.            3.  not.  / No, / I’m  ______________________________________________________________

2). Fill in the gaps.

That is / These are / Those are / This is





3). Copy!

In the morning, I am happy.  In the evening, I am tired.




4). Answer the question

What’s the time?


5). Fill in the gaps.

1. I ___________ happy.                            2. You ___________ sad.

3. They __________ scared.                       4. She __________ tired.

5. He ___________ hungry.                       6. It ___________ big.                    7. We _________ hot.

A lesson plan in 5 minutes!


Follow the link to catch some basic ideas to become more effective in planning your lessons: Lesson plan in 5 minutes!

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Months of the Year ~ Form - 3

Click to open full screen

Listen to the song. You may sing along!
Folow the link Twelve months in a year

Twelve (12) months in a year.

          1). January, February, March and April

January, February, March and April

January, February, March and April

Twelve (12) months in a year.


2). May, June, July then August and September,

May, June, July then August and September,

May, June, July then August and September,

Twelve (12) months in a year.


3). October, November and December,

October, November and December,

October, November and December,

Twelve (12) months in a year.


Months of the Year (listen, speak, write), an interactive worksheet by kohai

The Days of the Week ~ Form -3

The days of the week, an interactive worksheet by victor

Monday, 6 December 2021

How are you? ~ Super Simple Songs


A super simple song to remember how to ask about someone's feelings. Enjoy, sing and learn!

Follow the link Hello. How are you? Super Simple Song

Our Class Rules



   At the beginning of the lesson, it's beneficial to recall the class rules. Everyone makes sure that during the lesson will be productive and get the most from the activities provided for different purposes. It doesn't take much time but will make us more organized. Try and see if it works!

 Follow the link Our Class Rules. If it doesn't work properly click here!

              What if you are not responsible!

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Answer sheets for ZNO


      To get high-level grades in ZNO exams you should train not only for your knowledge but also for time management skills. One of the strategies is to pretend you are at a real exam: set the needed time and use even the answer sheets to complete them when you consider your answers are worthy to be put there. This strategy is used to minimize stress at your real-life exam.

Follow the link for The ZNO answer sheets