Friday 17 December 2021

Form 3 ~ Semester 1 ~ Writing Test


Final Test ~ Semester 1

 Form – 3        Full Name: __________________________________________

Points _____ from 64 possible + 1 extra point for neat writing   

Mark: A                B            C  _         D__


 I.               Put the words into the correct column (1 point for each correct answer)

January, actor, now, spring, March, winter, eighteen, one hundred, pilot, autumn, Tuesday, December, summer, always, June, Monday, never, sometimes, teacher, doctor, Thursday, seventy, thirty, Sunday.


II.            Fill in the gaps with the proper words. Write about Julia. Use the words: cold, am, eight, go skiing, January, like, winter, maths.

 (2 points for each correct answer)

I _______ Julia. I am ____________ years old. My birthday is in___________________. In winter it is ___________. I like ___________ when we can   ______________. My favourite subject is _______________. Do you ___________ it?



III.           Answer the questions (3 points for each proper answer)

1.    When is your birthday?


2.    What is your favourite subject? 


IV.  Write the numbers (1 point for each proper answer)

Eighteen -                                                                                                        thirteen -

Eighty -                                                                                                            one hundred -

Fifteen -                                                                                                           forty – two -

Sixty-seven -                                                                                                  fifty – three -

Two -                                                                                                               seventy – five –

 V.  Fill in the gaps (2 points for each proper answer)

1)    It is seven o’clock. I ______ having my breakfast.

2)    It is twelve o’clock. Lin ___________ having her lunch.

3)    It is three o’clock in the afternoon. We ________ going home.

4)    It is ten o’clock at night. You ______ sleeping in your bed. Goodnight!



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