TEACHER: Stella Surdu
Lesson Topic: My birthday.
Мій день народження
№ of Ss:
By the end of the lesson pupils:
Ø Will
have (further) developed their ability to differentiate different verbs -“watch”, “play”, “listen”,
Ø Will
have (further) developed their ability to use verbs in the simple past tense;
Ø to
interact properly with their classmates during the lesson activities;
Ø will
be more aware of their status of active learners.
Materials / Resources / Supplies /
Flashcards / etc.
Textbook pages / Worksheets / etc.
Family and
Friends 3
p. 106 (SB)
p.98, Ex.1,2 (WB)
Songs / Listening / etc.
Family and
Friends 3 ~CD3, tr. 122 “My birthday”
birthday card,
come round,
sing (sang),
Grammar Material:
Verb + -ed = Past Simple
Second forms of irregular verbs
I Introduction
1 Greeting The
«Hello» song ~ 2 min
2 The topic
and the objectives of the lesson. ~1 min
The topic of today's lesson is ‘My birthday’. We’re going to recollect
the memories of your last birthday and share them with everybody. So, we’re
going to sing and talk using the grammar of the topic ‘Simple Past of the verbs’.
You’re going to do small research work on the topic. At the end of the lesson,
you’ll give marks to your classmates and appreciate their work during the
3 Warmer “Cross the river” Group work ~3 min
Draw a river on the board with two sets of
four stepping stones across the river (if you like drawing you may add dangers
like crocodiles, sharks, snakes in the river, etc.). Write team A and Team B
underneath the two sets of stepping stones. Divide the class into 2 groups.
Tell children the rules- you are going to show each team different flashcards,
and they must guess the words correctly to move across the river. Show one team
a flashcard, choose on a child in that team to give the answer, he/she may
consult friends and then should give the answer. If the child answers correctly,
write the word on this team’s stepping stone, if the answer is incorrect, ask
another team to tell you the word and write the word on this team’s stepping
stone. The first team to complete the four stepping stones with words crosses
the river and wins.
II. The main part of the lesson
4 Check on homework ~8 min
5 The Research Work. Pair work ~7 min
Use your own questions then tick
or cross below every picture with the activities your classmate did at his/her last birthday.

Pair work
Work in pairs – write the
example on the board and check that everyone understands the activity – the
students should ask each other a question “What did you do at your last birthday?” then
answer this question and write the answers to his/ her friend. At last, the student
should tell the class what he found out about his/ her friend’s birthday. (I listened to
music and my friend watched television, etc.)
My birthday
It was my birthday yesterday!
I didn’t shop or cook,
I opened lots of birthday cards
And started a good book.
It was my birthday yesterday!
My day was really great!
Lots of friends came round for tea,
We finished all the cake!
It was my birthday yesterday!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
I had a party with my friends,
We sang and danced and played!
Children should look at the song
pictures, imagine that they were at a birthday party and answer the question
“What did the children do?” (They sang and danced.)
Ask “What things
can you see in the pictures?”
Elicit Balloons, a cake, presents and a book.
Play the
recording for children and they should listen and follow in their books. Recite
the words of the song with the class – say each line and ask children to
repeat. Play the recording one more time.
! Make sure the children understand the irregular forms of “came round” and “sang” but do not
focus on them.
7 Sing and do the activity. Whole
class activity ~3 min
Practice actions
of the song with the class. Play the recording for children and do the actions.
I didn’t shop or
cook - mime cooking
I opened lots of
birthday cards – mime opening a card
And started a
good book – mime reading a book
Lots of friends
came round for tea – mime
drinking tea
We finished all
the cake – mime slicing a cake
We sang and
danced and played - dance
The teacher reads actions in affirmative and
negative form – children should mime the affirmative actions and stay still for
the negative ones.
Ex. 2, p. 98 Write four sentences about you.
I watched TV yesterday. I didn’t play football yesterday…
III. Summarizing of the lesson
10 Homework Assignments ~1 min
Pupils will do exercise 1- 3, p. 98 in their workbooks. They’ll learn to sing
the song “My birthday”
and revise grammar on p. 105.
11 Self-assessment, each other assessment & teacher assessment ~4 min
Grade Criteria cards are
given to pupils and they appreciate their own and their colleagues' work. They
are designed for each pupil apart.
12 Feedback ~1 min
What did you like most of all about today’s lesson?
What would you like to have in our next lessons?
13 Saying Goodbye
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